
These Husbands Really Need to Step up Their Game

When you enter into a partnership with a man, you expect it to be just that: a partnership. You want a partner who can assume 50 percent of the responsibilities in the relationship. Someone who knows how to wash dishes and load the dishwasher and cook dinner and go grocery shopping and replace the toilet paper on the toilet roll and perform basic tasks that help you survive as a couple.

The husbands in this list have trouble with all those simple tasks, and believe it or not, many others as well. Sometimes someone does something so dumb that you wonder how they are able to function enough to get through each day. I feel for the spouses of these husbands who have to not only perform most of the household tasks themselves but also reverse the things their husbands inevitably mess up! Husbands of the world, you need to get it together!


The husbands in this list failed oh so hard.

Get ready for your eyes to roll so far back in your head that you give yourself a headache.


Rice in a bag

When your wife asks you to put the rice in a plastic bag in the fridge, she means put it in a plastic bag. Don’t lay the bag on top. Why would anyone ever do that?



PSA for all clueless husbands out there: Dish soap is not the same as dishwasher detergent. If you use regular soap in the dishwasher, this is what you get!



She asked her husband to buy her tampons, and this is what he came home with. Guess he didn’t think it was weird that tampons and sponges were in the same section.


Individually wrapped

She asked her husband to wrap up the rolls they’d made, and he wrapped all 12 individually. Which is fine, I guess, but why do men’s brains work like this?

Frustrated yet?


Birthday card

Do you know how much effort it takes to buy your wife a birthday card? Almost no effort! Get on top of it.


Birth shirt

I wore this custom shirt during my wife's labor. Wife was not amused. [OC] from r/funny
This is not funny. When you are a man supporting your wife through the birth of your child, that is not the time for jokes.


Penis pillows

My wife bought new couch pillows you can draw on. Immature me couldn't resist. from r/funny
OK, I have to admit that this one is pretty funny, but just don’t forget to flip ’em back before you have company over.


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