
29 Pics That Made People Say, “Oops! Forgot About That!”

You know that feeling that you must be forgetting something, but you can't for the life of you figure out what it is?

Well, the following people probably felt exactly like that.


Until they returned to the scene of the crime.

Only then did it become clear what had slipped their mind. These 29 pictures will have you slapping your forehead for these forgetful people.

Let these serve as a warning to you to…well, not do the same thing.


Call us!

via: Reddit
Yo dudes! I’m sure people would call you if you included your phone number on your giant bus ad! But now, I don’t know that I’d trust these attorneys.


Hey, my girlfriend's up here!

via: Reddit
That serious weight on your shoulders? Yeah, friend, it’s an actual person. It’s your girlfriend. Something tells me he’s not getting out of this easily.


Skeleton in the snow

via: Reddit
Either someone forgot their Halloween decorations in the yard or a real person has been dead for a very long time.


Incomplete Snickers

via: Reddit
Whoa. I’ve never seen this before. And while the chocolate is important, I kind of think a naked Snickers might be delicious.

The next one probably got someone fired.


Heder goes here

via: Reddit
It’s bad enough that someone forgot to change the headline before the newspaper went out, but they also spelled “header” wrong! Come on.



via: Imgur
This molten mess is apparently what happens when you forget you are making caramel. It turns into a volcano of ash and fire.


That sunroof

via: Reddit
We’ve all been there. You open the sunroof to enjoy a nice January breeze, and then you come back the next morning after a snowstorm and bam! A car full of snow.


Large green vase

via: Imgur
This is what happens when you let your employee label the store items but you forget that he’s colorblind.


Mini vacation

via: Reddit
This person’s neighbors just packed up the car for a weekend getaway, but I don’t think they’re going to get too far.

The next one is a classic blunder.


In the oven

via: Imgur
This mom hid her kid’s Easter basket in the oven. Word to the wise: If you’re going to hide something in the oven, don’t forget about it.


Oh yeah

via: Imgur
This couple seemed to have forgotten to warn their cat that a small human would be showing up in their home. Look at the face of surprise on that feline!


Sprouting sink

via: Reddit
This person put pumpkin seeds down the drain a few weeks ago when they were carving pumpkins. They just forgot to turn on the garbage disposal.


Tiger stripes

via: Imgur
This is what happens when you paint stripes on your body but you forget to put on sunscreen first. This is why they now call him Tony the Tiger.



via: Imgur
Look, I know college is hard and you’re tired a lot of the time, but how does he not feel this?

The next one is a real tragedy.


Left in the rain

via: Reddit
The roof of the car is one of the most common places for people to leave things. Unfortunately this time, it was an electronic device. And it rained.


Floating bodies

via: Imgur
This couple decided to take a jumping picture of themselves, but they forgot to adjust the camera, so it looks like they’re floating or hanging there. It’s really kind of morbid.


Cup o' noodle

via: Reddit
Yes, this is the face you make when you forget to add water to your cup o’ noodle before you put it in the microwave. This is the correct reaction.



via: Reddit
This is what happens when you leave a chocolate Easter bunny in the car on a hot day. He looks so sad.



via: Imgur
When you forget your contact lens case at home, you have to improvise. This is pretty innovative!

The next one is a cautionary tale for anyone who likes to bake.


Spoon cake

via: Imgur
I mean, it was really the fault of the recipe. The recipe didn’t specify whether to take the spoon out the batter after mixing it.


Fork razor

via: Reddit
When you forget your razor but you remember the refills, you fashion a makeshift razor handle out of a fork and a hair tie.



via: Imgur
Oh nooooo.

This is what happens if you forget to put the drain plugs in.


Pug walk

via: Reddit
When you’re running late to work and you can’t find his leash, just carry a bag of chips outside with you. Then it’s guaranteed that he won’t leave your side.


LED sign

via: Reddit
If you buy an LED sign for your business, it probably helps to program it to say what you want.

The next one is a feline miracle.


Peeing in the toilet

via: Reddit
This person came back from a mini vacation and forgot to change the litterbox, so her cat was like, “No biggie, I’ll just pee in the toilet instead!”


Doggy daycare

via: Reddit
This dog’s owner worked at a doggy daycare, so she got to bring this big boy to work with her. One day, she was so hungry that she left and forgot him there. This is the picture her boss sent her, with the caption, “You forgot something.”


Pirate appointment

via: Reddit
Even pirates have to go to the dentist! This guy totally forgot about his dentist appointment until he was dressed as a pirate (for what reason, we’re not sure).

Bag o' potatoes


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