
People Share the 20 Most Embarrassing Things They’ve Done in the Name of Love

There's no doubt about it: Love turns us into mushy, blubbering messes.

Often, when we're blinded by our crush on someone, we'll do something we would never do if we were in our right mind.

Twitter's master confession-cajoler Nicole Cliffe asked people to share the most embarrassing thing they've ever done for love, and the people delivered handsomely.


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Sure, this move was made famous by John Cusack and that Peter Gabriel song, but dramatically playing music for the person you love is one of the most classic embarrassing things you can do.


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This is amazing.

Why didn’t I ever think to do this?


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This is incredible. I’ve never really thought about how in the days before the Internet, people had to go get their nudes developed at Walgreens like everyone else.


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Man, kids are so misinformed about what makes someone fall in love with you. It’s definitely not dressing exactly like the person. But the whole lunch room laughing… That’s just sad.


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Don’t! Agree! To! Do! An! Activity! You! Don’t! Know! How! To! Do! Just! Because! You! Have! A! Crush! On! The! Person!

The next one is brutal…


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This is amazing. I hope she stood stony-faced while tears streamed down her face, and she didn’t move a muscle. This is a scene worthy of a teen TV drama.


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Let this be a lesson to all the lovesick puppies out there: Never assume there isn’t someone in his life who can translate your message.


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The audacity of this girl not to show up at school on the day this guy professed his love! At least he was OK with being just friends.


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Putting a love note in someone’s locker isn’t even that embarrassing, but we all know what it feels like to be so embarrassed that you try to mitigate the situation before anyone discovers what you’ve done.


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This is so sad. We all know how it feels to do something you’re not comfortable doing for love, and to get criticized for it is just the worst!

The next one is rough…


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There’s nothing as devastating as, “Sure, if you want to.”

Except maybe the actual awkward trip.


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This might have been while she was really young, but that’s heartbreak right there. And he was marrying her best friend no less!


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Can the people who grew up before the Internet just be glad that our embarrassing exploits when we were young and in love aren’t immortalized on the Internet for all of eternity?


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Ah yes, the classic middle school relationship where you never talk to each other and never hang out just the two of you. The Chicken Soup for the Soul story is a nice touch.


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That is quite bold to be like, “Our love is just like that one movie relationship where the guy dies.”

The next one is actually great…


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Of course you would assume that a guy with that many followers doesn’t read his comments! But whoops, he did. And this one actually worked out!


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When your crush regifts your very personalized gift, that’s devastating.

A heartbreak like this was always material for another mixtape…


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We’re always told that boys who tease girls in school really just like them, which is problematic in its own right, but if that’s true, it stands to reason that girls who like boys elbow them in the crotch.


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Woof. There’s nothing like sharing a part of your soul with a pretentious book choice and walking up to him making out with his new girlfriend!


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This is classic teen movie stuff. If you’re invited over to someone’s house in the ’90s for a “movie night,” there’s almost never other people there.


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